Poland: Tomasz Sadlik (Profuturis) vs Mieczysław Groszek (Association of Polish Banks – ZBP)


Photo: Mieczyslaw Groszek and Tomasz Sadlik (Profuturis) were guests TVN24 Business and World | Video: Experts critical of proposals for CHF Loans. “Mydli eyes, it is to help”

Members tonight will deal with the bill on frankowiczów, but experts have come up with proposals critically. Mieczyslaw Bean, Vice-President of the Association of Polish Banks warned against going trace of Hungary: “this is not enough. We must first of all examine the compatibility of the project with the constitution”. – This is a gift for the banks that will pull the wool over the eyes of the public, which were made to believe that this is some help for customers – criticized Thomas Sadlik from the association defending borrowers Pro Futuris.

Members will deal with the project by the PO, which is designed to help frankowiczom. The proposal assumes that they will be able przewalutować loans at the current rate of NBP, the cost of this would be spread between banks and borrowers