FX Loans in Europe

“FX Loans in Europe” is a series of articles written by ASUFIN collaborators or news release explaning the commercialization of these type of Morgages and the current situation in other european countries.

Slovenia High Court CHF Loans

Slovenia: Ultimatum for banks

CHF Affair: Ultimatum for Banks Združenje Frank Press Realease Following the initiative enforced by Slovenian Ministry of Finance, the first meeting between Združenje Frank (Slovenian

BEUC with FX Loans victims

The European Consumers Association BEUC has send a letter supporting the FX Loans victims and the draft law on CHF discussed in Slovenia. Dear Mr


FX Loans Conference in Barcelona

» ASUFIN, in collaboration with the Barcelona Lawyer Association Bar, organizes the VI European Conference about the FX Loans in Europe. » Representatives from all